Winning Habits
“持之以恆,習以為常 Practice makes perfect”,將「贏」變成習慣!
何謂「贏」的習慣? 贏是符合個人、他人、團隊、社會的共贏。自動作出改善,不斷提升要求,超越自我。
建立贏的狀態 Winning State
建立自我認知 (知長短、並不斷精益求精)︰* 了解個人、團隊的不足,從而作出改善
* 認知限制性信念和破除限制性信念
* Where & When︰何時及何地,出現「未贏」的狀況
* What︰出現「未贏」的行為、狀態和語言表現
* 其他題目或內容均可因應貴 公司/ 機構需要,度身訂做! 如欲了解詳情及查詢,歡迎致電 2114-0303 或電郵 mirinmok@anchor.hk 與企業培訓課程策劃部同事 Ms. Mirin Mok聯絡。
Our tailor-made Winning Habits workshop offers you & your colleagues to let “Win” be the habits in workplace!
Habits are the pattern of behaviors which occur automatically or semi-automatically. Mindset, behavior, habit & fate are interrelated, they are essential for you to go beyond yourself for improvement.
Outline & Outcomes
*Other topics or contents of training could be tailor-made upon request. For further details and enquiries, please contact our colleague Mirin Mok at 2114-0303.
“持之以恆,習以為常 Practice makes perfect”,將「贏」變成習慣!
何謂「贏」的習慣? 贏是符合個人、他人、團隊、社會的共贏。自動作出改善,不斷提升要求,超越自我。
- 為何要將贏變成習慣? 只要經歷不斷的贏,贏就會深種到潛意識裡,成為了習慣
- 什麼是贏成習慣? 不用刻意提醒已可自然發生贏的行為反應,了解贏的原則
- 如何將贏變成習慣? 要了解贏的習慣,先要了解人是怎樣贏!
- 贏的習慣與公司核心信念價值及願景的關係 要強化公司核心信念價值及願景,也可從不斷鍛煉外在贏的行為做到。有了贏的行為,人的內在核心信念價值及願景就能加強,並可透過行為實踐出來
- 建立贏的習慣的步驟及方法
- 建立贏的狀態 Winning State
- 建立自我認知 (知長短、並不斷精益求精)︰
建立贏的狀態 Winning State
建立自我認知 (知長短、並不斷精益求精)︰* 了解個人、團隊的不足,從而作出改善
* 認知限制性信念和破除限制性信念
* Where & When︰何時及何地,出現「未贏」的狀況
* What︰出現「未贏」的行為、狀態和語言表現
* 其他題目或內容均可因應貴 公司/ 機構需要,度身訂做! 如欲了解詳情及查詢,歡迎致電 2114-0303 或電郵 mirinmok@anchor.hk 與企業培訓課程策劃部同事 Ms. Mirin Mok聯絡。
Our tailor-made Winning Habits workshop offers you & your colleagues to let “Win” be the habits in workplace!
Habits are the pattern of behaviors which occur automatically or semi-automatically. Mindset, behavior, habit & fate are interrelated, they are essential for you to go beyond yourself for improvement.
Outline & Outcomes
- Why we have to make “Winning” as our Habits? Winning constantly - become a habit and execute from subconscious in the future
- What are “Winning Habits”? Understand the principles of “Win”, “Win” automatically
- How to make “Win” as your habits? Learning how “Win” works
- How to develop a team with “Winning Habits”? Strengthen Belief & Value, reinforce the personal Belief & Value of staffs, execute in daily practice in workplace
- Steps to develop & execute “Winning Habits” with “Winning State”
- Build up self-awareness & self-enhancement
- Think out of the box in workplace
*Other topics or contents of training could be tailor-made upon request. For further details and enquiries, please contact our colleague Mirin Mok at 2114-0303.